Laser & Photonics Technology

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Study the science of light at the only program of its kind on the East Coast.

What You’ll Learn

This program focuses on understanding the application of electronic, fiber optic, photonic, and laser principles. You will be able to apply your experience working with the technologies as well as your knowledge of the supporting science. This combination of principles and practice will lead to a better understanding of the work environment and the utilization of laser and photonic technologies in a variety of manufacturing, telecommunications, medical, entertainment, and business settings.

Emphasis is put on the operation, analysis, design, maintenance, and safety expertise related to the applications of laser and photonic technologies.

While four-year university instruction focuses on theory, the LPT program at 澳门黄金城赌城 requires a majority of instruction time in lab environments where theory is put into practice.

Length: 5 Semesters

Credits to Graduate: 75

Locations: Harnett

Curriculum Guide

Why Study Laser & Photonics Technology at 澳门黄金城赌城

Earning Potential

Average salaries start between $45K and $50K per year, but with experience and professional credentials, graduates can earn closer to $70,000 a year.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

Located on the Harnett Main Campus in Lillington, North Carolina, the 澳门黄金城赌城 facilities include two state-of-the-art electronics labs along with four high-powered laser labs.

澳门黄金城赌城 Networks in STEM

The STEM graduates from 澳门黄金城赌城 are employed as technicians, computer programmers, scientists, engineers, teachers, and beyond providing you with a large professional network.

Shedding Light on Lasers

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Graduates find jobs in fields that vary from medicine to manufacturing. While jobs are available locally, graduates with a willingness to relocate will find many opportunities across the U.S. and find employment in the following areas:

  • Medical biophotonics
  • Laser operations
  • Research and development
  • Manufacturing 
  • Telecommunications
  • Entertainment

Program Contact

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    Gary Beasley

    Laser & Photonics, Lead
    Laser & Photonics Technology

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Transfer Programs

Credits from select courses within the program may transfer to four-year colleges and universities on a case-by-case basis.

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